Randoms, just everyday stuff.

Ginny and Tj playing together. They are really cute together.... when they arent fighting.

Another shot at a family picture. Oh and the shoes TJ is wearing are not normal dress attire. We couldnt find his church shoes and his Uncle put them on him.

Chloe and Halle

Laney being crazy.

Ginny with her usual dirty face

This is Ginny's new smile

This is how Ginny looks when she isnt whinning.

TJ is potty trained pretty much. Still many accidents, here he cant get his pants up and he is a little embarrased.

Tj loves to play with is nerf gun (he got it for his birthday from the Wrights)

I love all your new posts! Cutest kids! and you look great!! Perfect family picture and Tony blinked. Reminds me so much of our attempts at a family picture. lol Jealous of all that Arizona sun!!!
love all the pics!! I need to update mine.
Come on Lacey, you're KILLIN me! I need pics, I'm one to talk, huh? :)
On the side bar for on my blog it said that you last updated 11 months ago, so I thought I'd ceck it out anyway and wala you do blog. I'm a hit and misser, but I love your pics. Does Toni always have his eyes closed when he's in sunday clothes? haha
And I still don't see how Ginni is a whiner, maybe you should leave her with me for an hour or so so I can really see ;)(had to say it)
Oh wait, I kept reading and it was a year ago. what a slacker...and I'm a dork. :)
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